Lisa Murkowski
The U.S. Senate Friday approved a $460 BILLION spending bill sent to it by their “esteemed colleagues” in the House to “keep the government…
The Senate voted 64 to 34 in favor of moving forward with a "bipartisan" 80-page gun safety bill on Tuesday. Fourteen Republican senators joined the…
For those of you who are tired of the go-along-to-get-along politicians, a few more showed their true colors on Tuesday. To be fair, the politicians…
***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***
During the Christmas season, wishy-washy Republican Senator Lisa…
In another instance of Congress not accomplishing anything, three GOP senators voted "no" to a bill that would have repealed some parts of Obamacare…
NBC's Matt Lauer, on Thursday's Today show, invited on Alaskan Senator Lisa Murkowski to applaud her presumptive write-in ballot win over Republican…
Alaska Senate hopeful Joe Miller appeared on Fox News to discuss the vote counting that is currently underway in his undecided race. During the…