Keystone XL
The signs of economic hardship are flashing like strobe-lights. The signals are voluminous. Yet, like Hannibal and his elephants, the Biden…
"Senate Democrats are watching closely—and already working on a windfall profits tax," Sen. Liz Warren (D - Mass.) tweeted last week.…
President Joe Biden claimed this week that his administration and its war on the American energy sector isn’t having a negative impact on domestic…
As part of the infrastructure bill, the Biden administration agreed to produce a report on the number of jobs lost by canceling the Keystone XL…
By now, most Americans are familiar with the term Stockholm Syndrome. It’s the bizarre phenomenon of a captive starting to thank, defend, or…
At a national average of $3.36 a gallon, gas prices in the U.S. are nearly a dollar higher than at this point last year. With expectations of $4 a…
Analysts expect U.S. gasoline prices to rise in 2022 reaching as high as $4 per gallon by spring in many locations across the nation.
“Americans all…
A December Scott Rasmussen national survey found 59% of voters believe that the Biden administration’s blocking of the Keystone XL pipeline…
Rejecting the Keystone XL oil pipeline application provided the Obama administration with the opportunity to prove that the U.S. was “willing to make…
Environmentalist protesters are the wackiest!
Over the summer MRCTV went down to the National Mall to talk to some folks who were protesting the…
McConnell: 'First Item' in Next Senate Will Be Keystone XL Pipeline
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Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) tried to maintain order in the Senate, but it seems the wailers were just too powerful for her.
After the…