Joe Sestak

ashley.rae | July 6, 2015
While making his way through an Independence Day parade, Pennsylvania senatorial candidate Joe Sestak managed to trample over two different children…
Joe Schoffstall | August 12, 2010
When confronted by a reporter who asked former President Bill Clinton why he campaigned for PA Senate candidate Joe Sestak (D) after he tried to get…
MarkF | May 28, 2010
Joe Sestak says he turned down advisory board position offered to him by Pres. Clinton, but doesn't say if Rahm Emanuel or someone else in the White…
MarkF | May 28, 2010
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough said the MSM is so reluctant to cover the Sestak job-bribe story that they wouldn't do so if Rahm Emanuel announced…
Joe Schoffstall | May 25, 2010
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), a ranking member on the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, said the supposed White House bribery deal…
MarkF | May 25, 2010
On Morning Joe of May 25, 2010, Joe Scarborough plays his interview from months before of Joe Sestak in which Scarborough unequivocally put it to…
MarkF | May 25, 2010
On Morning Joe, Chuck Todd equates the apparent offer of a top federal job to Joe Sestak if he would drop out of the PA senatorial primary against…
Jpoor | May 24, 2010
Scarborough Rips Press for Coverage of Alleged Sestak-Obama Deal: ‘It is a Federal Crime’ | March 2, 2010
White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs is not ready to deny White House offered Rep. Joe Sestak a tax-funded job not to run against Sen. Arlen Specter. | March 1, 2010
White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs is not ready to deny White House offered Rep. Joe Sestak a tax-funded job not to run against Sen. Arlen Specter.