james clapper
Stemming from a comment ABC News host (and former Clinton Administration Communications Director) George Stephanopoulos made about Donald…
Newly surrendered documents indicate that the tax-subsidized United States Postal “Service” (USPS) has engaged in a widespread spying campaign…
A new confluence of shocking government and corporate action has exposed what appears to be the darkest threat to US freedom of speech and the press…
The pop media have a knack for helping push the revolving door of bureaucrats, Deep State plotters, think-tankers, university hacks, and ne’er-do…
On Thursday, July 15, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki gleefully informed sycophants at her “press briefing” that the Biden Administration is “…
Remember those heady days when your leftist teachers pretended to be “free speech” advocates, even as they shut down liberty-minded dissent in…
After a list was made public Wednesday revealing the names of more than three dozen Obama administration officials involved in the “unmasking” of…
Unless you have Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) or are a “Never-Trumper,” you have a particular disdain for all things concerning House Intelligence…
Keen automobile expert Eric Peters recently sounded the alarm to a bill about which many Americans are unaware, and the information and its…
There might be a debate among Democrats Wednesday evening, but President Donald Trump apparently doesn't care much for that as he's attempting to…
In the wake of the March 19 mass murder in Christchurch, New Zealand, many leftists are making moves to shut down free speech. The NZ government has…