IRS scandal
MRCTV readers and viewers likely are aware of the stunning police-state tactics of Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland, and the alleged…
Many Americans have shared with each other information about how the Biden/Dem majority want to increase by 87,000 the army of IRS agents “eating out…
Hello, fellow Time Travelers.
Together, right now (though, temporally speaking, there is no such thing as that, but, pray, continue), we embark on a…
There’s nothing quite like opening a new year with political lies on a so-called “news” network that, only twelve hours earlier, saw one of its…
Official FBI documents recently obtained by Judicial Watch reveal more details on how the IRS deliberately buried the applications of some…
The IRS took a law designed to protect the American people from the tax collection agency and cynically tried to use it to protect itself from the…
A federal judge has ordered Internal Revenue Services (IRS) to provide a status report on the so-called "irretrievable" emails of Lois Lerner and…
Some interesting evidence has recently come to light in the IRS Scandal.
On March 24, 2014 IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress that the…
Rep. Issa: IRS Scandal Is 'Like Watergate, A Pesky Problem... That Won’t Go Away’ See More at:…
>> More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog <<If only there were an Obama scandal for journalists to cover. Almost exactly…
On the June 27 edition of CNN Newsroom, a panel discussed new calls from Ted Cruz that the IRS scandal needs a special prosecutor. John Avlon of The…