IRS scandal

P. Gardner Goldsmith | November 18, 2021
MRCTV readers and viewers likely are aware of the stunning police-state tactics of Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland, and the alleged…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | October 29, 2021
Many Americans have shared with each other information about how the Biden/Dem majority want to increase by 87,000 the army of IRS agents “eating out…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | September 10, 2018
Hello, fellow Time Travelers. Together, right now (though, temporally speaking, there is no such thing as that, but, pray, continue), we embark on a…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | January 5, 2017
  There’s nothing quite like opening a new year with political lies on a so-called “news” network that, only twelve hours earlier, saw one of its…
Alissa Lopez | August 3, 2016
Official FBI documents recently obtained by Judicial Watch reveal more details on how the IRS deliberately buried the applications of some…
Jeffdunetz | March 23, 2016
The IRS took a law designed to protect the American people from the tax collection agency and cynically tried to use it to protect itself from the…
Monica Sanchez | June 22, 2015
A federal judge has ordered Internal Revenue Services (IRS) to provide a status report on the so-called "irretrievable" emails of Lois Lerner and…
Brad Fox | March 5, 2015
Some interesting evidence has recently come to light in the IRS Scandal.  On March 24, 2014 IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress that the…
Eric Scheiner | July 8, 2014
Rep. Issa: IRS Scandal Is 'Like Watergate, A Pesky Problem... That Won’t Go Away’ See More at:…
Brent Baker | June 29, 2014
>> More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog <<If only there were an Obama scandal for journalists to cover. Almost exactly…
connor.williams | June 27, 2014
On the June 27 edition of CNN Newsroom, a panel discussed new calls from Ted Cruz that the IRS scandal needs a special prosecutor. John Avlon of The…
melanie.hunter | June 26, 2014
Jon Stewart Mocks IRS Scandal