On June 1, popular YouTube children's content creator "Ms. Rachel" posted a video in celebration of Pride month. Considering the fact that Ms. Rachel…
Ms. Rachel is a famous YouTube creator with 10 million subscribers who creates content for babies and toddlers. Now, she's come under fire after she…
Marxist activists make me sick. They will use any method and pervert anyone of any age’s mind to believe their genocidal BS. The sad part is that a…
This makes me never want to visit Philadelphia again.
Comedian Tim Young recently shared a video that was posted on Visit Philadelphia’s YouTube…
Why does this keep happening?
A book titled “Let’s Talk About It” is available at the Oak Creek-Franklin School District's East Middle School in…
New year, same grooming goals.
The Vermont Community Fund just gathered four thousand dollars in funds to help expand Drag Story Hour events to…
A school district in Vermont claimed that if schools begin honoring a day that celebrates those who detransitioned after changing their gender (well…
Ah great! Another teacher looking to indoctrinate kids!
Professor Katie Edwards from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln created a program for…
In today's episode of the left’s latest attempt to come for your kids: Word just broke that creators of a "Paw Patrol" children's show spinoff, “…
The popular anti-grooming social media based group, Gays Against Groomers, recently posted images of books that were available in a supposedly “all-…
Parents in Jefferson County, Colorado are pissed - and rightfully so - after finding out that the teachers union told educators to essentially break…
Earlier this month, a group of Maryland parents gathered at the state district court to fight for parental rights and protect their children from…