Actress Jameela Jamil, known for her role in The Good Place, spoke out against the concept of gender-neutral film awards on social media this weekend…
Welcome to our newest MRCTV show, Woke of the Weak!
This week we heard from one parent (we can’t tell or say whether it was a mother or father)…
It’s almost time for kids to go back to school!
If you live in California however, you really should consider homeschooling.
California’s Newport-…
A California elementary school has been put on blast for allegedly allowing adult males who use “gender neutral” pronouns to sleep in the same cabins…
There’s something frustrating about a political body that can’t distinguish between “inclusiveness” and force, between voluntary preference and…
Isn’t it great when politicians leave business owners in peace and start their own ventures?
When, rather than enslave others, they risk their own…
Sexism is over, folks!
Thanks to the social justice warriors over at Hasbro, we no longer have to worry about offensive gender norms, sex-based…
What A Mother! Days After Passing ‘Gender-Neutral’ Language Rules Pelosi Declares Herself 'A Mother’
A little over a week since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) helped to pass orders on the use of gender-neutral language in the House rules - she…
The big-government politicians never stop hatching plans, even when many in America are celebrating what’s left of “holidays.” So it might not come…
The state of Michigan is mulling over whether to add a new, “non-binary” option to their driver’s licenses, following the lead of more than a dozen…
Looks like they've gone and done it, now. And by "they," I mean them.
No, no. Not multiple people. Just one. One person of the gender-non-…
While people are shooting each other by the dozen in the city of Chicago, Illinois lawmakers have prioritized observing non-existent identifiers on…