fort hood

Nick Kangadis | February 20, 2018
Virginia Tech, both incidents at Fort Hood, Aurora, Colo, Sandy Hook, a military recruitment office in Chattanooga, Tenn., Pulse Night Club in…
Josh Luckenbaugh | June 3, 2016
Five soldiers have been found dead after a tactical vehicle was turned over by a flood-swollen creek in Fort Hood, Texas late last night. At least…
patrick.goodenough | December 7, 2015
In his primetime Oval Office address on the threat of terrorism in the wake of last week’s attack in San Bernardino, Calif., President Obama called…
Scott Whitlock | April 2, 2013
Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer appeared on Monday's O'Reilly Factor to decry the decision not to award Purple Hearts to the survivors of the Fort Hood…
memcg87 | October 2, 2012 
Stephen Gutowski | December 8, 2011
Michelle Malkin pushes back against the Obama administration's latest bizarre attempt to white wash terrorist attacks. This time the admin labeled…
Anonymous | July 31, 2011
Abdo was known to insult Jews, to push his Islam on everyone and cause problems in the military. | February 10, 2010
Sen. Kit Bond (R.-Mo.), vice chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, said the administration was 'just not responding' to questions about the…