fort hood
Virginia Tech, both incidents at Fort Hood, Aurora, Colo, Sandy Hook, a military recruitment office in Chattanooga, Tenn., Pulse Night Club in…
Five soldiers have been found dead after a tactical vehicle was turned over by a flood-swollen creek in Fort Hood, Texas late last night. At least…
In his primetime Oval Office address on the threat of terrorism in the wake of last week’s attack in San Bernardino, Calif., President Obama called…
Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer appeared on Monday's O'Reilly Factor to decry the decision not to award Purple Hearts to the survivors of the Fort Hood…
Michelle Malkin pushes back against the Obama administration's latest bizarre attempt to white wash terrorist attacks. This time the admin labeled…
Abdo was known to insult Jews, to push his Islam on everyone and cause problems in the military.
Sen. Kit Bond (R.-Mo.), vice chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, said the administration was 'just not responding' to questions about the…