
Elise Ehrhard | January 16, 2023
Every year now, Hollywood takes beloved intellectual properties, "reimagines" them through a woke lens, and sucks out any charm, joy or winsomeness…
Eric Scheiner | October 29, 2021
In this week’s Wacky Moments Of Leftist Extremism: CNN’s New Day show spent two segments on Tuesday whining about the anti-Biden “Let’s Go…
Nick Kangadis | August 19, 2021
You know you’re failing at your job when CNN owns you. That seems to be the case for President Joe Biden in the wake of the debacle that has been the…
Eric Scheiner | April 20, 2017
Rep. Keith Ellison (D- Minn.) says that former President Barack Obama’s “true legacy is in danger” and that Obama “could have been a better party…
Barbara Boland | March 3, 2015
Hillary Clinton used her personal email account to conduct government business, and her aides did not preserve those emails as required by the…
Eric Scheiner | July 21, 2014
Sen. Graham: 'Obama Has Become the King of Indecision'