Dana Loesch
***The complete post is on NewsBusters***
Wednesday was day two of ABC’s The View obsessing over the salacious claims made by the left-wing Daily…
One of the fake news heavyweights, The Washington Post, wrote a profile on former NRA spokesperson and current conservative radio host Dana Loesch…
It seems to be “do as I say, not as I do” for Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Although Illinois social distancing guidelines have dictated that only…
On occasion, Geraldo Rivera will say something that you can’t believe you agree with, but you do. Then there’s the rest of the time when he says…
It should come as no surprise to anyone who knows the bubble that “journalists” in certain parts of California, New York and Washington D.C. live in…
It really doesn’t matter what anyone thinks about actor James Woods. It doesn’t matter what Hollywood thinks of him. It doesn’t matter what the media…
There’s a lot of warped brains inhabiting the Hollywood Communistic Cult, and you can now add actress Ellen Barkin to the list.
Barkin took to…
People on Twitter are outraged after the social media platform reportedly failed – or, at worst, declined to – comment on an image one user posted…
The news media aren't the only ones on television pushing an agenda-driven narrative. There are tons of shows and movies all over the…
National Rifle Association spokesperson Dana Loesch is calling on President Trump to “respect and protect due process.”
Trump during a meeting with…
CNN's "Town Hall" was a disgrace to actual town hall meetings. Join MRCTV's Nick Kangadis as he points out a couple of radically liberal…
If what you thought you saw during CNN’s lynch mob town hall meeting Wednesday was bad, it turns out the truth was a whole lot worse.