congressman Steve King

P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 8, 2023
In October, last year, MRCTV reported on the courageous fight of Iowan residents to stop an ESG (Environmental-Social-Governance)-based attack on…
Jeffdunetz | March 22, 2015
A radio interview by Rep. Steve King (R-IA) incited a TV/Twitter war with Democrat Steve Israel (D-NY) regarding whether or not Democrats of the…
MRCvidprod | October 29, 2009
MRC President Brent Bozell makes a call to action to the MRC Action team to hold NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell accountable for his statements.
StuJ | October 26, 2009
MRC Action Team, Grassroots, L. Brent Bozell, Rush Limbaugh, NFL, Roger Goodell, Commissioner, Racist, Lies, Congressman Steve King, football