Cenk Uygur
What happens when you create this world for yourself where you invent a formula that is correct pretty much all the time — to the point you’re known…
Some track teams train with what are called Indian Sprints, wherein team members run in line at a set pace, and the person at the end of the line…
Can you really take someone who named their media outlet after a group that committed genocide seriously? Or, do you take someone’s words that would…
Cenk Uygur, the host of the Young Turks YouTube show, is under fire for comments he made degrading women and calling them genetically “flawed.” Uygur…
Calling all feminists: a progressive man just publicly slut-shamed a conservative woman. I’ll wait here for your swift and furious response.
Former MSNBC host Cenk Uygur uttered some of the wackiest media analysis you’ll ever hear when, on his Youtube show, declared that “In American media…
On Cenk Uygur's MSNBC show, Jonathan Alter claims that in proposing to issue Medicare vouchers, Republicans want "to throw granny into the snow."
On Cenk Uygur's MSNBC show, Bernie Sanders, independent socialist senator from Vermont, claims that rich Americans "have not contributed one nickel…
Cenk Uygur accuses Republicans of hypocrisy for criticizing Pres. Obama's Libyan policy while having supported Pres. Bush on the war on Iraq. Uygur…
On his MSNBC show, Cenk Uygur argues that unborn babies, given the chance to speak, would say to "stay out of my mother's uterus."
These guys are all unprofessional as heck!