campaign 2012

Brent Baker | August 19, 2012
What happens when campaign donors get the chance to have dinner with President Obama and the check comes? NBC’s Tonight Show imagined one scenario in…
Kyle Drennen | August 15, 2012
Beginning an otherwise positive story on Wednesday's NBC Today about vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan's intense exercise regimen, P90X,…
Brent Baker | August 14, 2012
MSNBC's Chris Matthews on the Tuesday, August 14 Hardball, re Paul Ryan:"This guy could be worse than Quayle, more trouble than Tom Eagleton because…
Brent Baker | August 6, 2012
From Tuesday, July 31 in Warsaw, as Mitt Romney walked to his car after visiting Poland’s  Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw, as shown by CNN’s…
Brent Baker | August 2, 2012
“A conservative Republican was beaten by an even more conservative Tea Party candidate,” CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley announced Wednesday…
Kyle Drennen | July 31, 2012
On Tuesday's NBC Today, campaign correspondent Peter Alexander attempted to spin bad behavior by reporters covering Mitt Romney's trip to Poland as a…
Brent Baker | July 29, 2012
Imagined and created by TBS’s Conan, a parody of an Obama campaign ad if narrated by Barack Obama supporter Morgan Freeman. FNC’s Special Report with…
Brent Baker | July 28, 2012
Former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman, now at the Huffington Post, appeared on the July 23 Hardball where he smeared the Republican Party as “…
Kyle Drennen | July 20, 2012
In an interview with Mitt Romney's five sons aired on Thursday's NBC Rock Center, campaign correspondent Peter Alexander took a jab at the family's…
Brent Baker | July 9, 2012
$150 billion. That’s “the cost to taxpayers” for President Barack Obama’s proposal to not increase the income tax rate for those earning less than $…