Brittany M. Hughes

Brittany M. Hughes | July 6, 2017
If CNN had any more egg dripping off their smug faces, they’d be an omelet. They got caught last week admitting they knew the whole Trump-Russia…
Brittany M. Hughes | June 23, 2017
This week, Karen Handel became the first Republican woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from the great state of Georgia. She beat out…
Brittany M. Hughes | May 23, 2017
Get this: no less than six Planned Parenthood clinics across four Western states are now planning to close up shop. But it’s not because all those…
Brittany M. Hughes | April 27, 2017
Bill Nye the not-so-science guy is back with a brand new show on Netflix in which he attempts to explain “science.” And if you’ve been exposed to…
Brittany M. Hughes | April 21, 2017
Fresh out of Starbucks windows to smash and cars to set on fire, the left-wing whackos at UC Berkeley are now openly calling for the beheading of…
Brittany M. Hughes | April 19, 2017
General rule: if you’re so much of a whining, dissatisfied left-wing nutball that you rave when a football player openly protests non-existent racial…
Brittany M. Hughes | April 14, 2017
It’s true that White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer came down with a case of foot-in-mouth disease the other day when he suggested Hitler never…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 20, 2017
Last Friday, The Blaze's so-called "conservative" commentator Tomi Lahren publicly declared she was pro-choice during her guest appearance on the…
Brittany M. Hughes | March 1, 2017
Something pretty atrocious happened in Rochester, New York over the weekend: a bunch of teenage girls decided it'd be fun to "twerk" all over a cop…
Brittany M. Hughes | February 22, 2017
Less than a month after berating the Trump administration for not specifically mentioning Jews in a statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day, liberal…
Brittany M. Hughes | January 31, 2017
In case you took a trip to outer space this weekend and missed all the madness, President Donald Trump signed an (admittedly flawed) Executive Order…
Brittany M. Hughes | January 26, 2017
Somewhere around 500,000 self-proclaimed "nasty women," along with a few men and some unfortunate children, showed up last Saturday in Washington, D.…