american idiot

Caleb Tolin | July 18, 2018
Thanks to the tireless work of passionate activists with nothing better to do with their time, if you search Google for the word “idiot,” images of…
Brittany M. Hughes | July 10, 2018
In their never-ending haste to mock Donald Trump, the Washington Post screwed up. Again. The Jeff Bezos-owned, nationally acclaimed D.C. paper…
Caleb Tolin | July 10, 2018
“American Idiot,” a song written by the punk band Green Day, is climbing the charts in the United Kingdom just days ahead of President Trump's visit…
Stephen Gutowski | August 28, 2012
August, 2004.That's the month Green Day released the first single off it's iconic pile of crap known as American Idiot. The catchy little tune about…