Abortion Funding

Joseph Vazquez | November 30, 2021
It turns out that the Billion-Dollar King of Abortion’s philanthropic organization gave close to $200 million to just one extremist abortion group…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | June 22, 2021
    If the irony of living in a nation-state where hordes of politicians constantly drone on about doing things “for the children,” even as they…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | May 11, 2021
It’s always a learning experience to see a person who financially benefits from the freedom of speech simultaneously call for the silencing of…
Sergie Daez | January 19, 2021
Following his inauguration on Wednesday as the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden is planning to enact and repeal laws that will increase…
Eric Scheiner | April 28, 2020
During a livestream endorsement of Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton said the Coronavirus epidemic “would be a terrible crisis to waste” and declared…
Eric Scheiner | June 17, 2019
Last year, Stormy Daniels performed two strip shows to protest a New Orleans law increasing the legal minimum age for strippers to 21. This year she’…
mhadro | July 19, 2010
Brent Bozell, President of the Media Research Center, goes on FOX News to hit back at the liberal media bias from the past week. Bozell…