Trevor Noah: 'I Feel Bad' Obama Hasn't Passed Gun Control After 'Begging' GOP for Years

Curtis Houck | December 4, 2015
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See more in the cross-post on the NewsBusters blog.

Moments before Daily Show host Trevor Noah went on a tirade Thursday night calling Ted Cruz “an asshole” and compared him to a skunk, the liberal late-night comic admitted that the “feel[s] bad” for President Obama because “[h]e has been begging for gun control for six years” to no success supposedly because of Republican Senators.

Noah started the show by acknowledging the San Bernardino, CA shooting and lectured the media and viewers about rushing to conclusions when it comes to early information about such tragedies and remarked that “I’ve only been here a little over two months, and strangely enough, this is not the first time I have had to speak about these things and I don't know what to say.”