Toobin Urges Dems to Pack Court, Add States, Abolish Filibuster

Alex Christy | September 21, 2020
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[See NewsBusters for more.] CNN likes to portray Jeffrey Toobin as the network's senior legal analyst, but a more accurate description would be just another liberal commentator. On Monday's CNN Newsroom, Toobin was on to talk about his Saturday column in the New Yorker where he called on Democrats to stack the Court, add states, and abolish the filibuster should Republicans confirm whomever President Trump appoints to the Supreme Court.

Host Poppy Harlow began by referencing his column and asking, "Okay Jeffrey, yours was the first piece I read over the weekend about making the case that Democrats are not powerless, but what power do they have to stop whomever the president chooses?"