Todd Fears Biden Will ‘Sell out’ Party Radicals, Make AOC ‘Disappointed’

Nicholas Fondacaro | November 8, 2020
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

It hadn’t even been 24-hours since Joe Biden had been projected to be the president-elect and the Democratic Party was already in the early stages of a civil war amongst themselves. While CBS’s Margaret Brennan was pressing Democratic lawmakers to drop socialism for “moderate” politics, NBC political director Chuck Todd spent part of Sunday’s Meet the Press working the Biden campaign, grilling them on following through on their progressive “pillars,” and fretted he might “sell the left out.”

Todd’s first interview of the show was with deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield, in which he pressed her on what Biden saw as his mandates:

Let me start with this: We know – I – I – The President-Elect last night said this about his mandate, he said: "They've given us a mandate for action on COVID, the economy, climate change, and systemic racism." I feel like he laid out four pillars there of his focus. Explain how will – how will we see that in the next couple of weeks during this transition? How will the public see that focus on this -- on what the President-Elect believes is his mandate?

Citing how “Democrats lost some ground in the House” and the Senate appeared to still be in Republican control, Todd was concerned that it sent Biden a message to ease back on the socialist addenda he promised. “So, do you think the country sent a message of we don't want to give one party all the power. Hey, Joe Biden, your job is to work with everybody,” he asked.
