Nets Try to Rebuild Biden's Image, Tout Him 'Vowing to Fight' Pro-Life Law

Nicholas Fondacaro | September 2, 2021
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

After President Biden’s deadly disaster of an evacuation from Afghanistan, the liberal media were desperate to improve his image, including among Democrats. The new pro-life law defending the unborn in Texas was the opportunity they needed, as ABC World News Tonight anchor David Muir boasted that Biden had called “the law an unprecedented assault on a woman's constitutional rights, vowing to fight.”

The broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) were desperate because the writing on the wall showed that Biden was now an unpopular president and dropping fast. It was the reality they refused to mention on their newscasts with a new NPR/PBS survey finding Biden’s approval at 43 percent. Meanwhile, the Real Clear Politics average had him at almost 50 percent disapproval.

Building off her anchor, ABC congressional correspondent Rachel Scott proclaimed the law was “anti-choice” rather than pro-life and highlighted one activist's outrage. “For a five to ten-minute procedure, to drive 600 miles in the middle of a pandemic -- it's cruel,” the female activist said.

