MSNBC Demands to Know How Democrats Will Stop Pro-Life States

Scott Whitlock | November 20, 2019
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[See NewsBusters for more.] MSNBC debate moderator Rachel Maddow on Wednesday unloaded both on the state that hosted the 2020 contenders (Georgia) and also a conservative Democratic Governor for daring to be pro-life. She repeatedly badgered Elizabeth Warren over whether there was “room” in the party for someone like John Bell Edwards. But first she led an attack on debate host Georgia, worrying, “Many states including right here where we are tonight in Georgia, have passed laws that severely limit or outright ban abortion. Right now, Roe vs. Wade protects a woman's right to abortion nationwide. But if Roe gets overturned and abortion access disappears in some states, would you intervene as president to try to bring that access back?”