MSM Fails to Understand Satire

Ian Hanchett | September 26, 2012
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MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell and other reporters gleefully ran a report that Paul Ryan was referring to Mitt Romney as "Stench." Problem is, the piece that the media based its report on was satire. The author of the original article, Roger Simon, wrote a note explaining the satirical nature of the writing:

"Jonathan Swift did not really want Irish people to sell their children for food in 1791; George Orwell did not really want the clocks to strike thirteen in 1984; Paul Ryan, I am sure, calls Mitt Romney something more dignified than “Stench” and Microsoft did not invent PowerPoint as a means to euthanize cattle. At least I am pretty sure Microsoft didn’t."

In other words, it was a joke. Considering how gullible the reporters in the mainstream media are, I'd like to call their attention to a great news source called The Onion.