Lemon Pushes MLK III To Label a Conservative Supreme Court as "Abysmal" for Minorities and Women

Duncan Schroeder | September 26, 2020
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On Friday’s CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon conspired with human rights activist and son of Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King III to spout woke talking points and fearmonger about President Trump nominating a Supreme Court justice. Most outrageously, Lemon encouraged King to label the actions of the Louisville police department as “terroristic actions” and to claim that a conservative majority Supreme Court would be “abysmal” for both minorities and women.

Read the full article on Newsbusters: https://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/duncan-schroeder/2020/09/26/lemon-pushes-mlk-iii-label-conservative-supreme-court-abysmal