Kurtz: Media Always Go ‘to 11 or 13’ on One to 10 Scale When Trump Does Something Wrong

Curtis Houck | July 18, 2018
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Check out the link to the full post here from NewsBusters!

On Wednesday, our friends at Grabien flagged down an astute piece of analysis from FNC’s MediaBuzz host Howard Kurtz on America’s Newsroom when he noted that the liberal media have a unhealthy penchant for going to an “11 or 13” on a one-to-10 scale whenever President Trump goes something wrong or utters “something incendiary.”

Host Bill Hemmer invited Kurtz to comment on the media coverage of Helsinki and subsequent walkback, so Kurtz first pointed out that, as for the supposed clarification, “the media are largely rejecting it and even mocking the President's attempts at a clarification, likening it to as hostage video, saying it’s not about one misspoken word and the whole fervor is bed by leaks from insiders.”