Hispanic Nets TRIGGERED by AMLO´s Refusal to Acknowledge Biden as President-Elect

MRC Latino | November 12, 2020
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GALO ARELLANO: Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he will not congratulate either U.S. presidential candidate until election authorities officially declare a winner.

FELICIDAD AVELEYRA: This morning in Mexico, its president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, once again avoided comment on Joe Biden's election victory unlike other international officials who do recognize him as the president-elect.


While more and more countries recognize Joe Biden as the president-elect, there is no clear stance on the government from Mexico.


NICOLE SUAREZ: Latino congressmen have not overlooked AMLO's attitude of not recognizing Joe Biden's victory. On his Twitter account, Joaquín Castro emphasized that this is a blatant diplomatic failure of the Mexican president.


SATCHA PRETTO: World leaders congratulate President-elect Joe Biden, with the exception of Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The Mexican president has said that he will wait for the legal issues around the election to be resolved. Latino congressmen warn that such a stance would complicate the relationship between Mexico and the United States.


NICOLE SUAREZ: The president of that neighboring nation, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has refused to congratulate Joe Biden. AMLO says he will wait to do so until legal action on the vote is resolved.


And why that resistance from AMLO?

ISA OSORIO: So far he has not officially recognized it. He's been making that pronouncement since last weekend. He says he will wait until there is a definitive outcome in the United States, a situation that has been harshly criticized not only by Mexicans, but also by national and international analysts.


Well, now there's a lot of nervousness


But for now, there's a lot of controversy and also nervousness


Mexico is set on starting this new era of a bilateral relationship with the United States on the left foot


So, we'll have to wait if there are no reactions from democrats and they don't end up making President López Obrador pay dearly for his decision.


JUAN CARLOS LÓPEZ: Pragmatism or indifference on the part of Andrés Manuel López Obrador?