FNC's Ingraham Highlights Media Blackout of Trump's Executive Order Designed to Help Underprivileged Areas

Ryan Foley | December 14, 2018
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During Thursday's edition of The Ingraham Angle, host Laura Ingraham highlighted the White House's announcement of a "bold plan to change the lives in America of some of our poorest citizens, those who live in the most distressed and sometimes the most dangerous neighborhoods," describing the announcement as "a scene you likely did not see on one of your local or national newscasts." After slamming the few reporters present at the President's signing of an executive order to help underprivileged areas, who decided to ignore the substance of the executive order and instead shout out questions about Michael Cohen, Ingraham pointed out that "unlike most White House events starring Trump, it was not broadcast on cable or on C-SPAN or any of the networks." Ingraham then gave her theory as to why the executive order did not receive media coverage: "it smashes the press's relentless drumbeat about how the President just doesn't like black people."
