Cuomo Urges Congress to Put ‘High Crimes Over Hype’ and Impeach

Nicholas Fondacaro | September 24, 2019
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

In the later portion of Prime Time, CNN host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo gave a brief history lesson on presidential impeachment and their pitfalls. But, despite the warnings, Cuomo wrapped up the segment by urging Congress to put principle over politics, “the interests of the people over politics”, and move forward with the impeachment of President Trump.

Cuomo was concerned about a possible “new wrinkle in the potential Trump impeachment, a non-compliant Senate.

“Not only are Republicans loathe to move against this president, but experts suggest that while a Senate trial is contemplated in the Constitution, it doesn't have to happen. McConnell might just hold a vote, cancel the trial,” he fretted.

Cranking up the righteousness, he went on to proclaim that Trump’s impeachment was “the ultimate test here is how each side views its duty to the people and the Constitution as captured in their oath of office.
