CBS's Crawford Spotlights 'Firestorm' Over DOJ's Criminal Investigation of Fox's Rosen

Matthew Balan | May 23, 2013
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From the 23 May 2013 edition of CBS This Morning:

JAN CRAWFORD: Well, good morning Norah; good morning, Charlie. You know, these revelations have really just set off a firestorm of criticism from the left and right. For the first time ever, a presidential administration is treating news reporting like a crime, and a reporter like a criminal suspect....

The level of government surveillance over a reporter was unprecedented. Agents monitored Rosen's movements in and out of the State Department. They searched his personal e-mails and combed through his cell phone records....the investigation into Rosen has sparked a rare thing in Washington: bipartisan outrage over what some are calling 'Obama's war on journalism'. Just last week, the Justice Department came under fire for seizing two months of phone records from the Associated Press....

Critics say the administration has gone too far, and that the Rosen investigation is more an effort to control information that's available to the public.

MICHAEL MUKASEY, FORMER U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: You couldn't claim, with a straight face, that disclosing whatever he disclosed in that story threatened the national security of the United States.

CRAWFORD (live): ...Of course, media critics, the ACLU are saying that no presidential administration – not even the Nixon administration – went after reporters with search warrants and secret surveillance.