Bennet: ‘Admit Tonight’ Medicare For All ’Bans Employer Based Insurance’

Eric Scheiner | July 31, 2019
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Sen. Michael Bennet has spent much of Wednesday night's Democratic Presidential Debate slamming his opponent's Medicare For All plans.

“I have to say if we can't admit, if we can't admit tonight what's in the plan, which is banning employer-based insurance, we won't be able to admit that when Donald Trump is accusing Democrats of doing that, as well. We need to be honest about what is in this plan. It bans employer-based insurance and taxes the middle class to the tune of $30 trillion. Do you know how much that is? That is 70% of what the government will collect in taxes over the next ten years,”  Bennet said.


Later in the debate Bennet added, “This has nothing to do with Republican talking points or the pharmaceutical industry. This has to do with having faith in the American people they can make the right decisions for their families, and they can choose a public option. Bernie Sanders who said last night he wrote the bill and did just like I wrote the public option bill is the guy who says it will cost $32 trillion and that we're going to have to raise those taxes to pay for it. He says that. Republicans don't say it. Don’t try to distract from the truth. “Don’t try to district from the truth --