Art "Voted for Clinton Twice" Laffer Says This Recovery Worse Eva!

papagiorgio200 | June 10, 2012
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(Posted by Religio-Political Talk) Art Laffer* talks about the differences in past recoveries and how the gridlock in the current administration comes from a party that demands even Clinton Democrats walk back previously stated positions. Laffer also points out that comparing Bush's last two [failed] years as President to Obama's first three [failed] years as President is no comparison to hold in high regard. Great interview.

*... is an American economist who first gained prominence during the Reagan administration as a member of Reagan's Economic Policy Advisory Board (1981–89). Laffer is best known for the Laffer curve, an illustration of the theory that there exists some tax rate between 0% and 100% that will result in maximum tax revenue for governments. He is the author and co-author of many books and newspaper articles, including Supply Side Economics: Financial Decision-Making for the 80s.
