Social Security

Eric Scheiner | April 20, 2015
Two Republicans Advocate Entitlement Reform: 'Because We Have To,' Christie Says See More at:…
Brad Fox | January 23, 2015
Photo Credit: Affordable Pharmacy Action In this new age, presidents are now being interviewed by Youtube stars. One serious question among all the…
Monica Sanchez | December 2, 2014
According to research by policy experts Rachel Greszler and James M. Roberts at The Heritage Foundation, Social Security’s end-date is fast…
MRCTVone | August 8, 2012
Imagine one scenario where your kids are living with you because they have no job (thus can't help repay their student loan you co-signed for) and…
Stephen Gutowski | January 10, 2012
While speaking at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast in February 2011 President Obama's new Chief of Staff Jacob Lew claimed that "there is no…
Joe Schoffstall | August 19, 2011
Social Security is the most popular social program in US history.  It is also blowing up the federal budget.  Older people get pretty upset when…
MRCTVone | August 19, 2011
Social Security is the most popular social program in US history.  It is also blowing up the federal budget.  Older people get pretty upset when…