
Ferlon Webster Jr. | August 22, 2019
We all know YouTube has an interesting relationship with censorship.  But there’s something the website has decided to censor that is catching…
Nick Kangadis | April 13, 2018
Is Europe crumbling under the weight of its own stupidity? Or is there a shred of credibility to the question they're currently facing?  The latest…
ola olugbemi | November 14, 2017
Japanese company Yukai Engineering revealed their newest therapy product: a headless robotic pillow, with a tail, called “Qoobo.” The release date…
ashley.rae | October 27, 2017
The next generation of sex bots will apparently have a moral code that can differentiate between good and bad people. The Sun reports the creator of…
Monica Sanchez | December 23, 2015
Image via Screenshot Robotics company Boston Dynamics – acquired by Google in 2013 – was feeling the Christmas spirit this year. Ahead of the…
Ben Graham | August 3, 2015
It looks like technology is moving toward out-sourcing cooking jobs to robots. Well, their arms to be specific. We’ve already witnessed how…
Stephen Gutowski | March 25, 2011
Our own president Brent Bozell was on Hannity last night laying out of the liberal hypocrisy on Libya vs Iraq especially the hypocrisy of the liberal…