
Eric Scheiner | October 16, 2018
This is too funny. The recently upgraded version of Sen. Lindsey Graham just keeps getting better. The South Carolina Senator now says he’s…
Alex Hall | October 16, 2018
Watch the latest video at <a href="https://www.foxnews.com">foxnews.com</a>   In Tahlequak, Oklahoma, Cherokee Nation Secretary of…
Eric Scheiner | November 16, 2017
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) likes to say the word “fight” but can’t say a name that represents leadership for the Democratic Party. When asked…
Eric Scheiner | July 28, 2017
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Democrats were not celebrating after the failure of the so-called “skinny repeal” bill proposed by Republicans, but…
Lianne Hikind | July 3, 2017
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, known better in many circles as “Fauxcahontas," has received a very thoughtful birthday gift by her Massachusetts challenger: …
ashley.rae | June 7, 2017
(Image source: Kickstarter) Progressive darling Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren is getting her own action figure. Thanks to the “…