
Nick Kangadis | January 9, 2020
Ah, Ricky Gervais. The most divisive name in entertainment currently — and by divisive I mean that regular people are on one side and Hollywood and…
Nick Kangadis | May 20, 2019
People need to get over themselves and their selective outrage. The LGBTQIA-LMNOP community are apparently very unhappy that a straight guy is…
Monica Sanchez | December 13, 2018
First Lady Melania Trump in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity aired on Wednesday had a message for “opportunists” who use her name or her…
Mark Judge | May 10, 2017
“Snatched” is getting scorched. The new movie, starring liberal scold, gun control advocate, second cousin to irritant Sen. Chuck Schumer, and would…
Monica Sanchez | May 14, 2015
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina sounded off on leftist critics accusing her of “attacking” Hillary Clinton, taking advantage of her being…