Charles Kraurhammer

Maureen Collins | August 4, 2017
Democrats would be making a "catastrophic mistake" if they try to impeach President Trump, Charles Krauthammer told Tucker Carlson last night. …
papagiorgio200 | August 29, 2013
Again, Noel Sheppard, uploads a video where the audio is off from the video, and in order to hear Krauthammer you have to turn it... setting up the…
papagiorgio200 | August 6, 2013
I fixed Noel Sheppard's video that had low volume during the Fox panel commentary and removed the really high volumed ad at the end. Now it is…
Brent Baker | January 22, 2012
Newt Gingrich wouldn’t have won the South Carolina primary if not for two journalists who served as his perfect foil at two debates in the days…