Antonio Guterres

Nick Kangadis | September 8, 2020
Is there any other global institution more useless than the United Nations (UN)? It almost as if the U.S. is in a one-way relationship with the UN in…
P. Gardner Goldsmith | May 19, 2020
He’s at it again. Last month, I reported on a video from His Globalness U.N. Chief António Guterres, in which he called for using the COVID-19…
Nick Kangadis | March 13, 2019
The United Nations (UN) has always liked portraying that they are the arbiters of morality to the entire world. They’ve never had a problem placing…
melanie.hunter | September 18, 2017
In his first appearance at the United Nations, President Donald Trump said bureaucracy and mismanagement are reasons why the world body has not…
Eric Scheiner | October 27, 2015
UN Official Warns of 'Amputation' of Christianity's DNA in the Middle East See More at:…