4th Amendment

poorrichardsnews | November 6, 2013
Get the whole story at  http://poorrichardsnews.com/post/66213656221/new-mexico-cops-subject-another-man-to-forced-anal-exam
poorrichardsnews | November 5, 2013
Get the whole story at http://poorrichardsnews.com/post/66100990064/cops-subject-man-to-forced-anal-searches-surgery-after
rainey019 | August 25, 2011
New software allows for generic bodies but that can still show anomalies. The image is now also viewable to the person being scanned.
CNSNews.com | May 5, 2010
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D.-Nev.) said that 'someone' should offer an amendment to the financial regulatory bill to protect private…