Yank Her Now! Subway Franchises Want Rapinoe Removed From Ad Campaign

Jay Maxson | August 9, 2021
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Subway franchises are demanding the home office call a red card on soccer radical Megan Rapinoe. They and some of their customers want Subway to pull ads featuring Rapinoe, one of which involves her kicking a ball at a man, knocking the burrito out of his hands and telling him to order a Subway sandwich instead. The ad campaign began this spring and opposition to it is growing.

The New York Post reported a group of Subway franchises are calling for an end to the Rapinoe ad campaign. It’s got something to do with a loud-mouthed, over-the-top social justice warrior who shames her home country on foreign soil rankling Subway and its loyal customers.

A Wisconsin Subway customer attached a note on one store’s front door stating:

“Boycott Subway until Subway fires the anti-American … Megan Rapinoe, the creep who kneels for our beloved National Anthem!”

The manager of that store posted a photograph of the note on a discussion forum for the North American Association of Subway Franchisees (NAASF) and said, “The ad should be pulled and done with. It gets tiring apologizing.”

Another franchise holder, located in Arizona, is also disgusted with the wild woman Rapinoe appearing as a corporate spokesperson. “Spending our money to make a political statement is completely and totally out of bounds.”

In America’s heartland where people’s colors tend to run red, white and blue, a store owner said Subway should have seen the outrage coming over the bone-headed decision to hire Rapinoe for the commercials. She infuriated half the country by saying in 2019 she would not visit the “f**king White House” if invited by then President Donald Trump. The owners are right. Subway blundered big-time by putting someone like that in front of the camera.

And, speaking of Trump, he slammed Rapinoe’s U.S. women's soccer team for a disappointing Bronze-medal showing at the Olympics. They’re a group of woke “Leftist Maniacs,” he said. Taking direct aim at Rapinoe, he added: “The woman with the purple hair played terribly and spends too much time thinking about Radical Left politics instead of doing her job!” To be fair, Rapinoe scored two goals in the last game, but she did beg Joe Biden to be his vice-presidential running mate.

Furthermore, reps from NAASF told members the group is forwarding complaints over the Rapinoe ads to John Chidsey, the company’s chief executive.

Illya Berecz, the executive director of NAASF, sent a letter to franchise owners informing them that the “NAASF Board has already communicated with [Subway] leadership the concerns voiced by NAASF membership.”

In addition, an attorney for franchise owners said, “I had a bunch of franchisees calling me on this today. They are trying to get the ads pulled.”

John Gordon, an adviser to restaurants for Pacific Management Consulting Group, played the role of Captain Obvious on this sore spot for Subway: “We are so politically divided in this country and Subway should have done more careful due diligence, without a doubt, before choosing [Rapinoe].” No shootin’, Sherlock.

Related: Now That’s a Darned Shame: Kneeling USWNT Owned by Sweden
