Uh, Racist? Biden Says Black Entrepreneurs Need More Government Help Because They 'Don't Have Lawyers, They Don't Have Accountants'

Brittany M. Hughes | June 2, 2021

Racist much, Joe?

It appears so, as President Joe Biden is once again showing his hand and suggesting there are things Black people are simply too stupid – or too poor – to do.

In this case, that thing would be affording attorneys or accountants to help them with their businesses, a disadvantage that the president claims Black business owners not only suffer from, but that puts them far behind their white counterparts who apparently can afford legal and financial help.

In his remarks commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Greenwood Race Massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Biden defended his administration’s plan to offer more federal assistance to Black and minority business owners ahead of white entreprenuers, claiming that Black employers are more in need of government help because they “don’t have lawyers, they don’t have accountants.”

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“The data shows young black entrepreneurs are just as capable of succeeding, given the chance, as white entrepreneurs are, but they don’t have lawyers, they don’t have accountants, but they have great ideas,” Biden said.

To deal with this alleged inequity, and to assist Black business owners who are apparently less capable of starting and sustaining their own business compared to white entrepreneurs simply because of the color of their skin, Biden says his administration will invest more in small business loans specifically available to non-white employers.

On top of that, the administration will also pump more money into Historically Black Colleges and Universities, saying that these schools “don’t have the money” to give their students the same leg-up as white students at non-minority schools.

“The reason why they don’t … their students are equally able to learn as well, and get the good-paying jobs that start at 90 to 100 thousand bucks,” he said. “But they don’t have the money to provide and build those laboratories.”

So I suppose we can add “start and maintain a business” to the list of things Democrats think Black Americans are simply incapable of doing – a long list that includes getting good grades, getting into college, getting a good job, getting promoted, making money, paying their own bills, staying out of jail and off drugs, getting married, staying married, having a baby, raising a child, using the internet, finding a vaccine center or a polling place, getting an ID, remembering to bring water on a hot day, and, apparently, seeing right through this pile of absolute garbage they’re being fed by a party that needs them to stay perpetually victimized.

Because God knows we can’t have black folks actually succeed in life because then they won’t need the government or all the elitist politicians who get rich off promising them stuff they don’t actually plan on delivering.