'They All Bear Responsibility' : Fight For Schools Confronts Loudoun County School Board

Jessica Kramer | November 18, 2021

"Spare me the - 'there's nothing we could have done,'" Ian Prior of Fight For Schools tells MRCTV when discussing excuses provided by Loudoun County, VA school board members for their inaction following a sexual assault in the school system.

“They all bear responsibility,” Prior says. 

Prior insists that the Superintendent Scott Ziegler and school board members were aware of a sexual assault (a rape committed in a girl’s bathroom by a boy wearing a skirt) but ignored the issue in order to pass a transgender bathroom policy. 

Prior joins MRCTV to discuss Fight For School’s various grievances with Loudoun County officials how they are attempting to remove school board members from office.

Watch the complete interview above.

Related: REPORT: Loudoun County Public Schools Broke Law By Failing To Report Sexual Assaults