Russell Brand's Comments About Pornography Will Shock You

Barbara Boland | February 23, 2015

Russell Brand, British comedian and actor, has a YouTube channel where he criticizes Fox News and advocates for socialism – so his comments on the popularity of “Fifty Shades of Grey” surprised many.

Citing a quote that is frequently attributed to John Paul II, "The problem with porn isn't that it shows us too much, it’s a problem because it shows us too little,” Brand went on to question what it says about society that “soft-core porn” and “a movie that trivializes sex” like “Fifty Shades of Gray” is so popular and accepted.

The movie is “the commodification and mainstreaming of soft-core porn,” he said, “What does soft-core porn do to us, and what does porn in general do to both men and women relate to each other or the way that all adults relate to each other?

He called the access that every young boy has to unlimited amounts of pornography today “dizzying” and “corrupting,” citing a study that said “the upper limits of the impact of [this kind of access to] porn has yet to be fully realized because these people haven’t reached sexual maturity.”

Besides his comedic acting, Russell Brand is also well-known for overcoming alcohol and heroin addictions. In this video, Brand is very honest about his porn consumption and the effects porn has had on his relationships.

Brand says his own experience with porn has been: “I know pornography is wrong, and I shouldn’t be looking at it… this isn’t what’s the best thing for me to be doing, this isn’t the best use of my time…”

“One of the reasons I sense that pornography isn’t good for me as an individual is because… the consumption of soft-core porn like Playboy… or ‘Fifty Shades of Gray’” has led Brand to personally experience the many negative effects documented in several studies, like: diminished trust, abandonment of hope that couples can have a monogamous relationship, voyeurism, trophyism, objectification, fear of true intimacy despite deep loneliness, and several others.

"If I had total dominion over myself I'd never look at pornography again,” Brand says.