Movie Critics Whistle LeBron’s Space Jam For Flagrant Foul

Jay Maxson | July 20, 2021

Movie critics are feasting on LeBron James new film Space Jam: A New Legacy. Now playing in theaters and on HBO, the reviews are just flat-out really really bad. In fact, they’re almost universally trashing the movie. James isn’t getting any participation ribbons either.

Try this critic’s putdown on for size, LeBron. The New York Post’s Johnny Oleksinski hammered the movie from the headline on down.:

“‘Space Jam: A New Legacy’ review: LeBron James film is an abomination”

“During the endless final sequence of ‘Space Jam: A New Legacy,’ Porky Pig calls himself ‘the Notorious P.I.G.’ and begins to rap. ‘This pig is lit,’ the Looney Tune says. ‘I’m super legit.’

“Porky should’ve added: ‘And my movie is s–t.’ ”

Oleksinski adds that the movie is a “misguided” sequel to the first Space Jam movie, starring Michael Jordan in 1996. He said it’s “interminable” and “mocks its very existence.” The “cardboard” James is no actor either.

The Los Angeles Times is no less harsh on this pathetic movie. Sports columnist Eric Sondheimer says, “Space Jam: A New Legacy’ strands LeBron James in a swirling CGI garbage tornado” and not worth the wait.

CNN’s Brian Lowry says there is no debate about whether Michael Jordan’s  original Space Jam or James’ sequel is better. “(T)his reboot shoots a very loud and thudding airball."

The Wrap is considered a friend to the woke basketball superstar. Except for James’ foray into this cinematic dud.:

“The critical consensus on “Space Jam: A New Legacy” is that it’s an abomination’ to which the audience consensus seems to be, ‘Well, what did you expect?’ ” 

Cinema Blend rated Space Jam a 1.5 out of 5 stars. "LeBron James look like he has no interest in Space Jam: A New Legacy, so why should we?"

The shelling continued with this slam dunk by The Guardian: it’s a “garish” and “soulless stinker.” And a “digitized eyesore.”

Yahoo’s Alex Noble tried to defend James and this monstrosity by claiming it’s not intended for adults and many Twitter users excuse it by claiming people should not have high expectations for Space Jam. That's hardly reassuring, and the above critics didn't buy into such tripe.

It’s no wonder that super-woke LeBron snuck a bottle of liquor into the NBA Finals game in Phoenix Saturday. Space Jam is certainly cause for numbing out. To use a basketball term, it’s a flagrant foul.