Media Meltdown Over Being Called ‘Fake News’ While Biden Their Air Time

Eric Scheiner | June 19, 2020
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In this week’s Wacky Moments of Liberal Expression:

We’ve all been poking fun at leftist “Fake News” for a while now and if Sunday’s meltdown by CNN’s Brian Stelter is any indication –they really don’t like the term. Stelter was so triggered by being called “fake news” that he angrily lashed out at his guest; telling her that she’ll live to “regret this” in 10 to 20 years.

John Bolton’s new tell-all book on the Trump administration is making the publicity rounds. The problem is, who could the media find best to discuss it? CBS found someone that admits they never read the book – Rep. Adam Schiff! Try not to laugh as host Gayle King describes the liberal Congressman as the “perfect person” to discuss the new allegations. 

As President Trump was continuing to make remarks before signing an executive order implementing police reforms, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell cut off live coverage of the White House address, dismissing it as a “campaign rally speech.” The very next day MSNBC ran a Joe Biden campaign speech, live in it’s entirety.

The news media certainly don’t want to see an actual Trump rally. Leftists are up in arms about President Trump’s planned rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, arguing it would be “extraordinarily dangerous” to hold a large gathering in the midst of a pandemic. However, some of us are old enough to remember when the same outlets were celebrating the Black Lives Matter protests, arguing that they were necessary and worth the risk.

View all the lunacy in the video above.

For even more leftist media wackiness check out NewsBusters.
