Local Hero Given Citizen's Award For Tackling Purse-Snatcher Who Robbed an Elderly Woman

Brittany M. Hughes | December 20, 2021

A local hero in Ohio is going viral after being given a Citizen’s Award by his local sheriff’s department for helping stop a purse-snatcher who robbed an elderly woman earlier this month.

It all started when Deshawn Pressley, a young black man, saw a thief - who was white as the driven snow - grab 87-year-old Pat Goins' purse in the check-out line at Kroger and make off across the parking lot (races of the hero, victim, and assailant emphasized to show that the country isn’t nearly as divided as the liberal media would have you believe).

Upon hearing Goins' calls for help, Pressley, who was at the store with his 1-year-old daughter at the time, took off after the assailant.

"I heard her screaming and yelling … it was the yell that I need help," Pressley said. "And I just turned around and did what I needed to do as a citizen."

Surveillance video caught the moment Pressley tackled the robber to the ground, holding him at bay while the woman – and more than a view shocked onlookers – stood by waiting for the police to arrive on the scene.

"He was running and looking back, running and looking back, and I was like ‘yeah, I’m on you’re a--," Pressley said during a recent press conference.

In an emotional moment, Butler County Sheriff Richard Jones presented Pressley with a Citizen’s Award for his help in stopping the thief before authorities could even show up.

Pressley says he credits his own grandmother for teaching him to help others.

"She did very good by me," he said. "It was good that she taught me what she taught me, and I’m thankful for her."

Good on Pressley. Good on his grandma. And good on every kind human who proves the world isn't nearly as dark and depressing as we are sometimes led to believe.