Kimmel Calls Trump 'Mentally Ill,' Says Republicans Are 'Allegedly Christian'

Nick Kangadis | February 16, 2018
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Late night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel must have huge investments in stables, because he climbed aboard his tear-covered high horse again Thursday evening.

Kimmel choked back some tears — again — in order to convey his self-righteousness in talking about the Wednesday school shooting in Parkland, Fla. which claimed the lives of 17 people and injured another 15 people.

The former comedian took up his monologue time to call President Trump “mentally ill,” and he also took a pot shot at Republicans by calling them “allegedly Christian.”

Here’s video of Kimmel’s monologue:

What are the odds Kimmel’s buddy, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), helped him with his talking points — again?

“And don’t you dare let anyone say it’s too soon to be talking about it, because you said it after Vegas, you said it after Sandy Hook, you say that after every one of these eight now fatal school shootings we had in this country this year,” Kimmel said. “Children are being murdered.”

Yes. Children are being murdered. But, with people like Kimmel not even waiting until there’s a final body count to push a political narrative, they’re essentially saying to the families of the victims, “Screw your time to grieve.”

“Eight out of 10 Americans agree that a teenager shouldn’t have an AR-15," Kimmel said. "So why does a teenager legally have an AR-15?”

There are tons of teenagers in the military fighting for Kimmel’s right to projectile vomit his sermon, but I don’t ever see Kimmel crying for them. It’s not clear whether Kimmel knows this or not, but people are legally adults when they’re in the last couple years of what? That’s right, their teenage years.

Whether Kimmel’s tears are politically motivated or genuine, it might behoove the late night host to instruct his writers to do a little research before scripting monologues whose purpose is to drum up fear and exacerbate divisions our society.

H/T: Grabien
