Prof Calls Ben Carson a 'Handkerchief Head,' Colin Powell a 'House Ni***'

anthony.christopher | September 18, 2015

David Ragland is a "Peace & Conflict Studies" professor at Juniata College in Pennsylvania. His online profiles also point out that he is an "Activist & Advocate" who frequently sympathizes with the #BlackLivesMatter movement, as well as with the Baltimore and Ferguson protestors.  

Upon further research into Professor Ragland, it is apparent that he, by no stretch of the definition, is a bully. Time and time again, Ragland hides behind his keyboard to offend prominent members of society, individuals of his own race, and to aggressively attempt to intimidate by name-calling and offending those whose beliefs and values differ from his own.

Here, Prof. Ragland calls Dr. Ben Carson a "handkerchief head," which is an extremely pejorative term to describe a black or African American person who does not identify with fellow black or African American people, but rather with white people, for personal gain.


Even more recently, Ragland lashed out with more derogatory terms at former Secretary of State and four-star United States Army general Colin Powell for simply stating that he doesn't mind the Black Lives Matter movement, but that black-on-black violence is a bigger issue.

Mr. Powell is not wrong. In fact, he is moving the discussion in the direction it needs to go -- addressing black crimes of violence. A recent DOJ study on Race and Violence Crime shows that, during the 2012-2013 period, blacks were the attackers in 84.9% of violence crimes involving both blacks and whites. This figure is consistent with a 2008 study from the DOJ that found blacks were also then the attackers in 83% of violent crimes committed. Keep in mind that, as of 2013, those who only identify as African American account for 13.2% of the U.S. population. 

But facts don't seem to matter to Professor Ragland - only bullying does. Maybe his "title" should call him a professor of "Oppressive & Conflict Starting" professor, instead of "Peace and Conflict Studies."