It’s On! Milano Challenges Sen. Cruz To Discuss Guns – He Accepts

Eric Scheiner | September 3, 2019

(UPDATE 9/5/19: This story is updated here)


Actress Alyssa Milano spent a portion of her long holiday weekend on Twitter criticizing Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) stance on the Second Amendment. She requested to meet up with Cruz and to live stream the meeting “so the American people can hear your bullshit 1st hand.”


Sen. Cruz tweeted his acceptance, “I’d be happy to sit down & visit next week about uniting to stop gun violence & about the Constitution.”

Actress-turned-liberal-activist Milano, tweeted out a video of herself calling Cruz’s office to schedule the meeting on Tuesday, so it seems the gears are in motion.

The Twitterverse is awaiting the announcement of a date and time early next week. Get your popcorn ready.