This Invention Will Change The Culinary Game

Tyler McNally | June 4, 2015

In the time since the 3D printer was invented and put onto the free market, people have longed and waited for a gadget that can 3D print food. That wait may soon be over.

A team of German chefs and engineers have put together a 3D printer that may soon allow individuals to create beautiful food art like never before. Bocusini is "the first universal plug&play 3D food printing platform, consisting of a plug&play food printer, cartridges with printable food and the online platform, a marketplace for our thriving design community supporting discovery, making, and sharing of 3D printable food creations."

Using the technology of a normal 3D printer, Bocusini uses up to 30 different natural food products to draw designs and create food masterpieces.

Among the many flavors and materials, Bocusini boasts cream cheese, fondant, a potato paste, and different flavors of marzipan.

The team recently launched a Kickstarter to help cover some of the bills, as well as purchase the Bocusini before  it is release. As of June 4, they reached their goal of $33,477.

The Bocusini models are due to be shipped to purchasers in December of this year. Currently, the Bocusini is selling for $867 on their Kickstarter page, which is the only place to purchase a model at this moment.

H/T Reddit

​Thumbnail image via Kickstarter