High School Sr. in Calif. Snatches Classmates' MAGA Hat, Allegedly Slaps Teacher in 'Political Statement'

Nick Kangadis | August 28, 2018

Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) has run rampant on college campuses for a couple years now. It began to take hold in high schools after fake news activist David Hogg took it upon himself to be outraged for younger people. Now those “younger people” have joined the ranks of the triggered just by the mere sight of inanimate objects that have anything to do with President Trump.

A 17-year-old senior at Union Mine High School if El Dorado, Calif. took it upon herself to become so enraged with another student’s Make America Great Again (MAGA) hat that she snatched the hat off the student’s head, while going on a profanity-laced tirade, and even went so far as to slap her teacher for trying to calm her down, according to authorities.

“That’s a racist and hateful symbol,” the female student said about her classmate’s MAGA hat.

The student claims she was just trying to make a political statement, which comes across as complete BS. It’s like people have no concept of “time and place” anymore. There’s a time and place for nearly everything, and an English class is not one of those places, unless — for some reason — the class was having a political discussion.

Take a look at CBS 13’s report on the incident:


“Maybe just wake people up in some type of way, because it’s not cool the environment our classroom is in,” the student, who might want to pay a little more attention in English class instead of making “political statements” said.

The student’s father, while perhaps not agreeing with his daughter’s methods, apparently didn’t have a problem with her making a political statement while class was ongoing.

“I don’t agree with grabbing someone’s hat and verbally talking to them in that way,” Chris Butler said. “But as far as the issue being brought up, maybe this is something that needs to be brought up.”

Political discourse should absolutely happen between civilized people, but Butler seemingly hasn’t raised his daughter to be civil. It’s also questionable that the father said nothing about his daughter doing what she did while in school.

If I did what this girl did in high school, my mom would’ve been super pissed and then would’ve given me the six words that kids used to be afraid of — ‘I’m going to tell your father.’

I guess that doesn’t work so well in this case.

Butler will face the consequences, if any, of his daughter’s actions, as he will face the legal impact of said actions, according to CBS 13- Sacramento.