Facebook Creates ‘Stealing from Walmart’ Page Due to Popular Demand

Craig Bannister | September 8, 2016

Facebook has created a “Stealing from Walmart” page…and it even has fans.

According to Facebook, stealing from Walmart is what “Facebook users are interested in”:

“This Page is automatically generated based on what Facebook users are interested in, and not affiliated with or endorsed by anyone associated with the topic.”

Coincidentally, an Aug. 20, 2015 MRCTV report of a Wisconsin official declaring that stealing from Walmart is not a crime is currently enjoying renewed popularity on Facebook.

Speaking at a “Best Policing Practices” panel, University of Wisconsin-Madison community relations director Everett D. Mitchell, who is also both an attorney and pastor, explained that “big boxes” like Walmart can afford the theft:

"I just don’t think they should be prosecuting cases for people who steal from Walmart. I don’t think that. I don’t think that Target, and all them other places – the big boxes that have insurance – they should be using the people that steal from there as justification to start engaging in aggressive police behavior."